
Download the Membership Application Form, complete it, and return to:

Dr. Frederick Luzzio, University of Louisville, Dept. Chem.
2320 South Brook Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40208, USA
phone: (502) 852-7323
Fax: (502) 852-8149
email: [email protected]

Dear Colleague,

As Past-president of the ISHC, I am contacting faculty and Ph.D organic chemists around the world to ask them to consider joining or rejoining the membership of the society. Membership has dropped in recent years due to the sluggish economy and the changes in the pharmaceutical industry. This year the membership dues are only ($40/year) and one can get a 3-year membership at a discount ($100/3 years). (see membership application form)

With your recurring membership you 1) will receive free electronic copies of the latest volumes of Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2) can participate in the ISHC Congress at significantly reduced cost for registration, 3) can purchase many different books from Elsevier at a 30% discount, 4) can purchase chemistry books, for example the Science of Synthesis Workbench Editions, from the Thieme Chemistry catalog at a 15% discount, 5) are entitled to a 25% reduction in article processing charges for the open-access journal Molecules.

The 29th ISHC Congress was held in Aveiro, Portugal in the summer of 2024 and the 30th will be in São Carlos, Brazil in 2026. Please help out by joining the ISHC and urging others to do the same.

With best regards,

Prof. Chris Vanderwal

Department of Chemistry
Frederick Reines Hall, Room 4042B
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697
Phone: +1-949-824-6702
E-mail: [email protected]